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About Us

Pistol club serves as an association that focuses on the advancement of pistol shooting in Australia. Pistol clubs is one of the most active and oldest clubs in Australia, our major aim at Pistol club is to stimulate participation in target shooting while creating a safe and enjoyable environment for every participant.

Pistol club takes pride in the heritage of Australia with its role in target shooting, target shooting dates back to many years in Australia and has become a national treasure as Australia is regarded as one of the top countries in the sport of target shooting.

We offer different support for different age group and professional level at Pistol Club, our goal is to see the advancement of target shooting lovers develop their career as well as improve in the technical aspect of the sport.

Junior shooters

This is one of the youngest levels of professionalism in target shooting, youngsters who have talents and interest in target shooting go-ahead to develop their talents under appropriate coaching and supervision.

At Pistol club, we match up junior shooters with appropriate coaches, who have shown excellence in their career in targets shooting. The pairing of young shooters with coaches help in understanding the basics of target shooting as well as extend into the advanced level of shooting.


rear view of girl shooting with gun in shooting gallery

Junior shooters have a career path by becoming a member of the national body of the pistol shooting of Australia and participating in junior-level competitions. Junior shooters also stand a chance to be nominated for the national junior camp for optimal training.


There are various disciplines associated with target shooting, this is a professional level that involves various national competitions. We offer the environment suitable for our members to advance in their career and have a spot in some of these disciplines. The disciplines include:

  • ISSF: The International Shooting Sport Federation governs the international amateur shooting competition. The shooting competition is hosted periodically and showcases talents for both male and female shooters at different levels and shooting distance.
  • PA Matches: PA matches test the range of different firearms across different conditions, most especially the use of a firearm, precision and rapid gunfire.
  • WA 1500 Match: This match involves the use of a revolver under various conditions and challenges.
  • Metallic Silhouette: Targets are carved out animals on metal scales, the scales are set at varying distance.
  • Action Pistol: Action pistol tests the use of a firearm in different positions with varying firearms.